Congratulations to all of our students who went for their grading! We were glad to observe a high level of skill throughout all the grade levels, with all student putting in 110% effort.
We would like to announce the first person to attain a black belt in 2017! Congratulations to Logan, who put in a fantastic effort and showed tremendous skill and endurance during the grading, as he was pushed to the limit.
Please see below some important information for the coming term. We all look forward to seeing you back in class next week!
Term 2 2017 Timetable
Term 2 kicks off next week! Which means all 5-7, 8-11 years and Teenage classes will be starting from April 26 onward. Please be aware there will be no classes on ANZAC day, Tuesday 25 April. Classes commence on the following days:
• Thursday 27th April at 4pm: 8-11 Years
• Thursday 27th April at 5pm: Teens
• Tuesday 2nd May at 4pm: 5-7 Years
• Tuesday 2nd May at 5pm: Teens
Please check the timetable for the full list of times and days.
Membership Renewal Available Online Now
Term 2 membership renewal is available online now. Please sign up before the start of term to secure your enrolment. Our Term 2 classes for 5-7s, 8-11s and Teenagers start from Wednesday next week.
If you are an existing member of Evolution Jujutsu, don’t forget to login to the members area This will enable you to renew your membership for Term 2 quickly and easily.
Black Belt and Beyond Seminar
Sensei Geoff will be back, teaching the second session of “Black Belt and beyond” in Term 2 on Saturday 20th of May. This series of seminars is highly recommended to all grades levels.
Help Our Dojo!
Bring a friend! If you know someone who would enjoy or benefit from martial arts training, invite them to participate in a martial arts class.
One of the best ways that you can help your club is by recommending us to friends and family.
Self Defence for Women! Register Your Interest
We are super keen to start running a Womens Self Defence Class to provide knowledge and awareness about womens self defence, taught by our own female black belts. This class will be open to all adult and teenage women. We have a tentatively time of Mondays at 5:30. Please register your interest and find out more by emailing Carly on
From the team at Evolution Jujutsu, thank you for your continued support. We hope you have had a great school holiday break and we are keen to see everyone back in action in Term 2.
See you on the mats!