Evolution Jujutsu is taking a break. Thank you to all our students and parents for your support.
Martial Arts Classes
Evolution Jujutsu is a training program that is designed for practical personal protection in ‘real life’ situations. Our aim is to develop confidence, co-ordination and the skills necessary to avoid or manage conflict. With our training you can learn how to confidently defend yourself in as little time as three months. Members train with people in their own age group so they can learn appropriate techniques and have fun. Evolution Jujutsu runs 5-7 years, 8-11 years, 12-17 years and adults classes throughout the week. Please check our timetable for more information on class times.

Evolution Kids
We believe that you should have fun while you are learning, and that goes double for our younger students. Evolution Jujutsu Kids develop –
• Social skills – getting along with peers and the meaning of ‘respect’
• Discipline – concentration, self-control, better study habits
• Commitment – finish what you start
• Positive self-image – healthy attitude toward self and others
• Physical Conditioning – co-ordination, balance, flexibility, fitness
• Situational awareness – recognise and avoid danger
• Leadership – confidence, independence and courtesy.
Evolution Teens
Build a positive outlook and self-esteem by learning how to defend yourself in everyday situations, all while having fun and getting fit with others your own age in this exciting MMA class.
• Life-saving skills
• Increased fitness and co-ordination
• Improved study habits (truly!)
• Increased confidence and self-discipline
• Leadership skills.

Evolution Adults
Evolution Jujutsu is a practical, mixed self defence system that incorporates the most effective martial art techniques available.
Our classes cover techniques including how to deal with unarmed attacks, defence against a variety of weapons, locks and throws, as well as rolling and break falling.
We provide a safe and relaxed environment in which to train, allowing members to train with a clear mind and calm attitude.
Leadership & Instructor Program
Evolution Jujutsu runs an extensive leadership program across all age groups. The program develops leadership qualities by nurturing and building confidence as well as fostering responsibility. Students start as an Assistant Leader and grow through the 3 leader levels before progressing to the 4 levels of Instructor. Each level is designed to challenge the student and to build on the previously developed skills. Our students develop skills such as leading groups, public speaking, training and assessment and are able to apply these practically in their school life, university and beyond. Our leadership program is also accepted as part of the Duke of Edinburgh certification. Contact office@evolutionjujutsu.com.au to find out more on how to get started.