Hi Students,

This year has flown past and Term 4 grading is just around the corner! It is a beautiful time of year and all the instructors at Evolution Jujutsu wish you and your family a safe and happy holiday season. Please find below a few key dates and some important information about next year.


End of year grading will be conducted during normal class time on the week starting 12 December and complete on Saturday 17 December. This way we can focus on each grading and have more time to provide feedback to each student.

  • Last class and grading for 5-7 year’s will be Tuesday the 13 December.
  • Last class and grading for 8-11 year’s will be Thursday the 15 December.
  • Teenagers attempt grading during any of the 12-17’s classes up until 17 December.

School Holiday Timetable

During the school holidays the timetable will be reduced to the following classes. Teenagers are welcome to attend Wednesday and Saturday during the school holidays.

  • Wednesday 6:00pm Ninjutsu / Black Belt class.
  • Saturday 9:30am Adults and Teens & 10:30am Sparring
  • Saturday 11:00am Ninjutsu

We are closed from the 22nd December and re-opening on the 5th January

Term 1 2017 for all 5-7, 8-11 and teenage classes will start back on the week starting Monday 30 January.

Congratulations to Lisa M who recently attained black belt. Lisa has some words of wisdom below on her path to Black Belt.

Black Belt Journey

It is undeniable that the journey that is undertaken when pursuing a black belt is a formative one; hours of practise, many successes and setbacks all contribute to an experience that promotes a development of the self. I have found this to be true in my own determination towards attaining a black belt. Since recently achieving it, I have been able to reflect on exactly how significant this journey has been.

I distinctly remember what I was like when I started learning martial arts – and how vastly it has developed my life since furthering my learning of it. As I learnt, I learnt more than just how to kick and punch and throw – although that was a large part of it. I learnt confidence inside the dojo and out, having the confidence to be able to handle a situation if it ever arose, nonthreatening or otherwise.  I learnt about teamwork and communication. I learnt about leadership and support. I learnt about the long tradition of various martial arts extending back hundreds of years. I learnt about ethics and application, dedication and determination, persistence and perseverance. All of these aspects are inextricable and fundamental aspects of learning a martial art.

Needless to say, working towards a black belt or high achievement in a martial art requires definite resolve and effort. There will be trials and tribulations on the journey. However, it is irrefutable that pursuing this gives back so much more than just skill. It’s an experience that can contribute to form whole new sets of skills and mentalities. For me, this has proven to be a journey that has given me skills and experiences like no other, and I highly recommend anyone seeking this goal to continue to pursue it. However, the journey does not finish at black belt, as the pursuit for improvement and continued learning opens up more and more opportunities.

Lisa M

Leadership Program

The leadership program continues to challenge students. This term we had Zoe and Euan start there first term as leaders assisting younger students in the 5-7 years class. They both have done very well and are stepping outside their comfort zone and picking up new skills every class! A big thanks you to the leadership shown by Sarah and Steven who have consistently been mentoring less experience instructors and provide leadership in every class they attend.

Thank you to all the Evolution Jujutsu instructors who are always on hand to share there skills and take time out of there busy lives to teach classes. It is you and your commitment that makes Evolution Jujutsu such a great community.

This last term for Evolution Jujutsu has been a particularly challenging one, with many changes successfully implemented. Including being incorporated into an entity in it’s own right, as well as the long awaited and needed upgrading of it’s online systems.

Women Self Defence series

In term 1, 2017 we are running a self defence series for women. The series of classes will run once a week over 10 weeks. We will confirm the day shortly. If you are interested and would like to find out more, please reply to this email.

First Seminar of 2017

Sensei Geoff will be teaching the first Seminar for 2017! “Black Belt and beyond” will be on Saturday February 18 and cover advanced weapons. While this seminar will be aimed at advanced techniques leading up to black belt and beyond, it is highly recommended to all grades levels.

From all of the team at Evolution Jujutsu, thank you for your support and we look forward to a fantastic 2017.