Thank you everyone for your continued support throughout 2020. While it has been a challenging year, it has also been great to see the community as a whole pull together. With our Covid safety plan in place, Evolution Jujutsu has had over half the school continuing to train, which has been fantastic for our mental and physical health. We have also had several new members join in Term 4 and go on to attain red belt! So all in all we are looking forward to 2021 being a much better year!
Congratulations to everyone who graded this term, especially our newest Black Belt graduate Arabella, who put in a fantastic effort pushing herself to the limit for over 30 minutes. Executing sharp technique with plenty of intention! Well done Arabella.
I’m very proud of all the work our leaders, junior instructors and instructors have put in this year. As such there are a few people I would like to mention for their continued efforts in the leadership program, by continually developing their skills and guiding junior students on the road to Black Belt. The below leadership levels were awarded during Term 4.
Jeff H – Senior Instructor
Euan M – Instructor
Zoe M – Instructor
Jacqueline W – Assistant Junior Instructor
Nathan M – Junior Instructor
Congratulations and Thank you!
Evolution Jujutsu is closed now until Saturday 2nd Jan, when the 10:30 and 11:30am classes will resume for the rest of the holidays.
Classes for Term 1 2020 are being reviewed and will be confirmed via email before Term 1 starts.
Holiday Class Timetable
Classes run on the following days:
Saturday: 10.30am and 11.30am each week
Classes for Term 1 2020 are being reviewed and will be confirmed via email before Term 1 Starts.
Instructor Workshops – 2nd and 9th January
Saturday: 12.30pm on 2nd and 9th January
There will be two 1 hr sessions for instructors, Running on January 2, from 12:30-1:30 and Jan 9, 12:30-1:30.
These sessions will be aimed at Instructors looking to become unsupervised Instructors. If you can’t attend please advise an alternative date, so I can make sure everyone is across the information.
Check-in to Evolution Jujutsu
We will be using the QR code login system provides by services NSW. Please install the Services NSW app on your mobile device ready for check-in at the door. It is a good idea to create an account before hand if you haven’t already done so. If you don’t have an account you can always select option 2 and fill out the online form.
Parents if your child is unable to sign themselves in, you may sign in your child in on their behalf.
For more information please check the Services NSW website