Our first term at Lindfield Scout hall has been running successfully. Just today we had Sensei Geoff drop in and surprise us with 2 hrs of great techniques, defence against weapons as well as sparring and Ukemi!

See below for key dates and important information in the lead up to the school holidays.


The end of term gradings will be conducted during normal class time on the week starting 27th of March and finishing Saturday April 1st.

• Grading for 5-7 year’s will be Tuesday the 28 March.

• Grading for 8-11 year’s will be Thursday the 30 March.

• Teenagers attempt grading during any of the 12-17’s classes up until 1st April.

School Holiday Timetable

During the school holidays (7 April to 24 April) classes will be running on Wednesday and Saturday as per the below times. Teenagers are encouraged to attend Wednesday and Saturday during the school holidays.

• Wednesday 6:00pm Adults and Teens

• Saturday 3pm Adults and Teens & 4pm Sparring

• Saturday 4.30pm Ninjutsu

Term 2 2017 for all 5-7, 8-11 and teenage classes will start back on the week starting Tuesday 25 April.

Black Belt and Beyond Seminar

Sensei Geoff taught the first in the series of “Black Belt and Beyond” seminars early this term. It was treat to see Sensei Geoff back in action and everyone thoroughly enjoyed learning the finer points of advanced techniques.

Sensei Geoff will be back, teaching the second session of “Black Belt and beyond” in Term 2 on the 13th of May. While this seminar will be aimed at advanced techniques leading up to black belt, it is highly recommended to all grades levels.