Online Training
Evolution Jujustu is now offering online classes. We found that there are still considerable benefits to attending classes online. Continuing exercise and staying connected to people in itself is uplifting and very positive. Please see below for our class options and requirements.
Kids Classes
5-7 & 8-11 Years
We believe that you should have fun while you are learning, and that goes double for our younger students.
The children enjoy interactive games to develop skill, confidence, co-ordination and focus. We also make sure they gain the tools, physical and verbal, to deal appropriately with bullying. Our bully buster program gives children the tools to deal appropriately with bullies and children also learn how to focus their attention and respect their peers.
Evolution Jujutsu children develop –
• Social skills – getting along with peers and the meaning of ‘respect’
• Discipline – concentration, self-control, better study habits
• Commitment – finish what you start
• Positive self-image – healthy attitude toward self and others
• Physical Conditioning – co-ordination, balance, flexibility, fitness
• Situational awareness – recognise and avoid danger
• Leadership – confidence, independence and courtesy.
Silver Dragons
Silver Dragons (5-7 years) are introduced to the martial arts environment through fun drills and activities. The martial arts skills taught concentrate on falling and breaking falls, blocking, using verbal skills to stop bullies, and awareness of their surroundings in order to get help quickly if they need it.
Attention is also paid to good manners, sportsmanship and concentration, and we encourage responsible behaviours, kindness and helpfulness.
Golden Dragons
Golden Dragon (8-11 years) classes are run along similar lines to Silver Dragons, with attention also on improving levels of fitness and flexibility. Our martial arts training assists with developing good study skills and emotional development.
Teenage Self Defence
12-17 Years
Gain confidence and learn skills you can use for life!
Classes incorporate more technical aspects of Evolution Jujutsu, including locks and throws.
Build a positive outlook and self-esteem by learning how to defend yourself in everyday situations, all while having fun and getting fit with others your own age in this exciting MMA class.
• Life-saving skills
• Increased fitness and co-ordination
• Improved study habits (truly!)
• Increased confidence and self-discipline
• Leadership skills.
Our classes also teach both how to avoid and be prepared for dangerous situations.
Adults Self Defence

Evolution Jujutsu is a practical, mixed self defence system that incorporates the most effective martial art techniques available.
Our classes cover techniques including how to deal with unarmed attacks, defence against a variety of weapons, locks and throws, as well as rolling and break falling.
We provide a safe and relaxed environment in which to train, allowing members to train with a clear mind and calm attitude.